It is important to understand how carbon programs work and where they are finding their role in the beef industry.
About 45% of U.S. corn production acres and 36% of the soybean ground are dry. The western Corn Belt needs moisture, in ...
As a mom, the thought of not having enough food for my baby is beyond frightening. Headlines of the ‘infant formula shortage’ continue to increase and I hear of parents driving hours out of their way ...
Editor’s note: The following commentary is by R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard, submitted to Drovers as a response to an opinion by Nevil Speer, a Drovers columnist. Drovers publishes opposing views on ...
Even considering strong demand and historically high prices for calves and feeder cattle this winter, the Hereford and Hereford-influenced sale at Mitchell Livestock Marketing in South Dakota Feb. 15 ...
Marketing flexibility represents a growing part of feedyards’ feeder cattle buying strategy. The ability to roll with the punches and adapt to volatility in markets, environments, labor and other ...
USDA Secretary Brooke Rollins announced today that USDA will release the first tranche of funding that had been paused due to a review of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) allocations. Following White ...
If there was an inventory-wide BOLO system (be on the lookout), packers would have used it this week. Supplies of market-ready cattle are tight enough that post-July 4th trades in the North gained $2 ...
With bull buying season in full swing, it’s important for commercial cattle producers to have a game plan for making purchases. Matt Spangler, UNL Professor and Beef Genetics Extension Specialist, ...
Beginning Monday, USDA’s Market News will issue two new reports based on Mandatory Livestock Reporting data to provide further insight into formula cattle trades and help promote fair and competitive ...
On Feb. 1, USDA’s APHIS announced the resumption of cattle and bison imports from Mexico under a new comprehensive protocol. With herd levels at a 74-year low and high beef prices, traders had ...