Dustin Trail, University of Rochester, will present, "Global and local environments of the early Earth and implications for the origin of life." If you are employed by the Earth and Planets Laboratory ...
Q: It's been an exciting night for stargazers. Can you tell us why? Jeff Rich: Because we can see almost all of the planets in the Solar System in the sky at once. It's actually been something I've ...
Michael R. Perfit, Distinguished Professor of Geology at the University of Florida, will present his Tuve lecture at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 19, 2017, in the Greenewalt Lecture Hall. Coffee, tea, ...
Alex Halliday, a professor of geochemistry at Oxford University, will give a talk titled "Terrestrial core formation and the origin of the Moon" at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, 4 May 2016, in the Greenewalt ...
Andrew Carnegie founded this institution in 1902 as a home for world-transforming scientific breakthroughs. Today, the generous support of our donors advances his legacy of philanthropy and continues ...
Lunch talk: Liger, A Next Generation Imager and Integral Field Spectrograph for W.M. Keck Observatory: Design and Fabrication Status ...
Dustin Trail, University of Montreal, will present "Global and local environments of the early Earth and implications for the origin of life." Reminder: Postdocs are invited to stick around after the ...
Welcome to the 2023 Year Book, a celebration of bold inquiry, transformative discoveries, and the extraordinary people driving innovation across the frontiers of science. The spirit of “building” is ...
Extrasolar planets are now known to be ubiquitous and highly diverse, which implies that planet formation must be a robust and efficient process. Protoplanetary disks are the sites of ongoing planet ...
Gabriela Farfan, the Carolyn W. Whitney Curator of Gems and Minerals at the Mineral Sciences Division of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, received her B.Sc. from ...
DTM Postdoctoral Fellow Doug Hemingway will present his lecture at 11 a.m. EDT on Oct.03, 2019 in the Greenewalt Lecture Hall at Carnegie's Broad Branch Road Campus as part of DTM's Weekly Seminar ...
Sean Andrews, an astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, will give a talk titled "Observing the Evolution of Solids in Protoplanetary Disks" at 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 25, 2017, ...