Anthony Knox won a controversial court decision that allowed him to wrestle in New Jersey state tournament. He won his 4th ...
"This ruling prevents the unfair practice of pointing to an ‘empty chair’ at trial and ensures that injured parties have a ...
As a coequal sovereign to New Jersey,” Justice Kevin Brobson wrote, “Pennsylvania must honor this decision and refuse to allow NJ Transit to be haled into Pennsylvania courts to defend against private ...
In separate filings, the Diocese of Camden argued that grand juries in New Jersey “cannot convene a grand jury to return a ...
A slew of recently unsealed court documents by New Jersey's Supreme Court reveals the secret quest of the Catholic Church to ...
A New Jersey diocese this week faced a significant setback in its ongoing court battle related to a clergy abuse investigation as the state Supreme Court announced it would consider whether ...
A federal appeals court will hold a hearing in late April or early May to determine the legality of a 2021 New Jersey law ...
On Saturday, the St. John Vianney star defeated Bergen Catholic’s Nathan Braun 18-4 for the 126-pound state title. A little over a week ago, Knox was in court battling a New Jersey ...
Anthony Knox Jr. became the fifth wrestler in New Jersey history to win a fourth state championship Saturday, but as ...
New Jersey joined with a coalition of other states to sue the Trump administration for cutting grant funding for new teacher ...
MADISON - The borough Thursday, March 6 appealed a state Superior Court court ruling saying that almost two-thirds of the ...