Friedrich Merz hopes to lure away AfD supporters, but will he alienate voters in the ideological middle?
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Friedrich Merz, a leading German political figure, has raised serious concerns about what he calls a “new and unsettling America” under the second presidency of Donald Trump. Speaking at a rally in ...
The front-runner in Germany’s upcoming election says the far-right Alternative for Germany is his “most important opponent” ...
Friedrich Merz, the conservative frontrunner in the German election, vowed to hold course on his disputed plan to limit ...
Seit ihrem Rücktritt als wirkt Ricarda Lang gelöst. Es könnte also um Inhalte gehen, aber die Leute interessiert vor allem ...
Tens of thousands took to the streets across Germany on the weekend to protest against the center-right leader and ...
Merz, now 69, represents a sharp rightward turn from Merkel’s centrist legacy. His campaign motto is “A Germany we can be ...
The sweat was dripping off Friedrich Merz after the frontrunner to become Germany’s next chancellor saw his bid to outflank ...
Strittig war wie schon bei der Abstimmung über Unions-Anträge zur Asyl- und Sicherheitspolitik am Mittwoch vor allem, dass Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz (CDU) in Kauf nahm, dass diese nur mit ...
Dürfen Friedrich Merz und die CDU mit der AfD zusammenarbeiten? Die Abstimmung zum neuen Migrationsgesetz spaltet unsere ...
Der Merz-Vertraute Wadephul dachte, er spräche mit Selenskyj-Berater Jermak. Doch dem war nicht so. Er verriet in dem ...