Kim Reynolds and Iowa are setting the national pace for inclusion, innovation and opportunity in education, write John Wills ...
Students shouldn't be stuck in bad schools based on their zip code. The proposed educational savings account program in the ...
Every Texan deserves to give their child the education that best meets their needs. Texans should ignore the myths being put ...
Private schools, primarily church-related, have been a part of West Virginia education since the Civil War, and until recent ...
If every Arizona high school student is ultimately held to the standard of the same college admissions test, how much choice ...
The executive director of the Missouri Charter Public School Association points to meaningful progress for kids in our state.
I want my kids to receive a free, accessible education that is the same no matter their parents’ income; regardless of ...
House Speaker Dustin Burrows sits down with FOX 7's Rudy Koski to talk about property tax cuts, school choice and the future ...
Idaho has enacted a school-choice bill that would allow parents to use public funds to send their kids to private schools, ...
The school choice legislation would provide breaks through tax credits. Meanwhile both chambers have proposed cutting some taxes and raising others.
President Trump signed an executive order to increase federal support for school choice programs, causing debate about the ...
Before Gov. Brad Little signed House Bill 93 into law this week, which introduces school vouchers in Idaho, his office ...