“People will discover Ohio because of these job opportunities that we are bringing here, but they’ll stay because of the ...
JobsOhio's business model is secured through 2053, so long as residents of the state keep drinking. The Controlling Board, a ...
They claim this is to give them greater flexibility to work with companies to attract investment. But is it working? Some ...
Are Ohioans getting a good deal from JobsOhio, the state's private economic development arm? It depends on whom you ask.
WESTLAKE, Ohio - A Westlake-based manufacturer that specializes in safety equipment to protect people working at high heights ...
To, in effect, mortgage a huge pool of potential state revenue into the middle of this century – with nothing paid the state ...
The Ohio Controlling Board on Wednesday awarded JobsOhio billions more in what used to be public money without demanding that ...
Gov. Mike DeWine and Attorney General Dave Yost are divided on whether to extend a contract right now with the powerful firm ...
But two members of the Lake to River board also have taxpayer-funded jobs, and the work they do with Lake to River often ...
From microprocessors to baby formula to the next generation of automobiles, Ohio is winning major business investments across all industries and creating thousands of jobs for Ohioans through the ...
JobsOhio, a private nonprofit funded by Ohio's liquor profits, received a 15-year lease extension despite criticism over transparency and deal-making. Supporters, including Gov. Mike DeWine ...