The hatchling of bald eagles Jackie and Shadow died during a recent storm, the operators of the livestream tracking the birds ...
Fans are expressing concern over a possible missing bald eagle belonging to parents Jackie and Shadow following a snowstorm.
Bald eagles Jackie and Shadow, whose nest can be viewed on a 24/7 webcam, may have lost one of their three eaglets during a ...
One of the three viral baby bald eagles in California has died following a severe winter storm. Friends of Big Bear Valley ...
Jackie and Shadow, the bald eagle couple whose parenting journey is livestreamed, laid three eggs this year. One eaglet went ...
Jackie and Shadow have lost one of their three chicks. The chicks that remain have been confirmed to be in the nest bowl.
One of three eaglets belonging to Jackie and Shadow, the stars of Big Bear Lake's eagle nest cam in California, has sadly ...
Jackie and Shadow have gained online popularity ... March 14 in response to fan inquiries. “The eaglet is likely not 'missing' as we watch the camera 24/7 and there was nothing to ever show ...
One of three eaglets recently born to the famed bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, has died, according to a conservation ...
Some potential sad news from the wild kingdom: the bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow, who have become online stars, may have lost one of their three eaglets amid a snowstorm. Last week ...