In cities across the United States someone or something is almost always watching you. On Tuesday, as Mardi Gras revelers ...
A toxicology report says Telemundo reporter Adan Manzano had Xanax in his system at the time of his death in New Orleans.
The television reporter who died in New Orleans while on assignment to cover the Super Bowl had a sedative drug in his system ...
Adan Manzano, the Super Bowl journalist found dead just days before the game, had a non-prescribed depressant in his system, ...
The woman accused of taking the reporter’s phone and bank cards has previously been accused of drugging men to steal from them, according to investigators.
Adan Manzano, 27, was covering his third Super Bowl for Telemundo Kansas City and Tico Sports. Manzano’s death comes less than a year after the death of his wife, Ashleigh Boyd, who was a ...
Alejandra Vargas remembers the first moment she met Adan Manzano in 2022. At the time, she was a media sales assistant for Telemundo Kansas City. She was hosting the station’s first annual health fair ...
Telemundo Kansas City General Manager Steve Downing said Manzano, a bilingual anchor set to cover his third Super Bowl for the station, was a “rising star” and “true professional.” Adan ...
Newly obtained police records from Las Vegas show a woman now in jail in connection with the death of Telemundo Kansas City sports reporter Adan Manzano was arrested twice in 2022 for drugging men ...