Maka Botchorishvili, the Chair of the European Integration Committee of the Georgian Parliament, on Thursday claimed domestic ...
As European Parliament begins its new five-year term, rising influence of far-right political groups is raising questions ...
Post-mandate restrictions on members of EU institutions impose a cooling-off period between the end of a mandate and the ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday nominated her candidates for posts in the EU executive.
Environmentalists closely monitor the new European Commission amid concerns of climate priorities being sidelined in Brussels ...
A Tory former cabinet minister’s complaint over how the UK Parliament investigated his conduct has been rejected by the ...
What does the future hold for EU climate policies? Next week's unveiling of the new European Commission will be watched ...
Macron is no longer the Jupiterian president he aspired to be, an executive who stays above the fray by governing through ...
The Commission is the 27-country European Union's most powerful institution. It has the power to propose new EU laws, block ...