Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Wildfires that destroyed two neighborhoods made the state’s housing shortage even worse. Now, opposition is growing to ...
After months of vitriolic politics and devastating wildfires, some Southern Californians are shopping for homes abroad as ...
A prominent tycoon said she's leaving what was once her 'dream home' in Malibu for a new life in Italy , as the Golden State ...
Insurers have figured out that risk is too high in parts of California. We need to re-conceive how people are housed, and ...
With a warm climate and a strong retiree community, this Southern Nevada town has earned Zillow’s top spot for living out ...
The challenge of post-fire recovery is one faced by communities around the world. Terms like “build back better” and “managed ...
The process of buying a home can feel intimidating, whether it's your first real estate purchase or your third. The housing market we've experienced over the past several years doesn't help ...
Roseville continues to grow fast as new homes are going up. A new report shows the city is leading the region​ in home sales.
Why the Chamber of Commerce says, ‘We are seeing wealth migrate in – while portions of the workforce migrate out.’ | Opinion ...
Located in the celebrity-favoured Southern California enclave, the Sussexes' Mediterranean-style home comes with a 7.4-acre ...
Have movies like The Social Network and shows like Silicon Valley left you dreaming of working for a startup? Join us as we ...