And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months - you can practice hygge all year long.
"It costs quite a bit of money to travel north to get these snow conditions," Fisher told ABC News. "The warmer temperatures ...
As part of the launch, the company has partnered with Landfolk to offer a rental opportunity for a secluded winter cabin in northern Sweden. This initiative aligns with Volvo's broader strategy of ...
Automakers are testing their latest models in the extreme conditions of northern Sweden after working in labs.
This is mainly because the air temperature changes more during the winter than before," says Mark ... and this is true in large parts of Sweden. Climate change has contributed to more frequent ...
The Cold Swedish Winter writer Danny Robins reveals six weird things you never knew about Sweden. Danny has a special interest in Scandinavia – apart from being happily married to a Swede ...
Federica Brignone is still a relentless winner in giant slalom races and Mikaela Shiffrin is still searching for form after her serious crash in November.